The "Mobile Office" & Trike no 3
As we got busier, it was no longer acceptable to have customers coming to our home & meeting people at the Grandstand was sometimes putting everyone in danger of being clipped by a passing vehicle. With much humming & haring, & many discussions later, we came to an agreement with the bosses at the Ferry Terminal to rent parking spaces form them, allowing us to use the car park as a meeting point & allowing customers to park in our rented spaces if required. However, it sometimes got a bit chaotic for the drivers trying to collect clean helmets etc form the house & get back in time for customers, so we hit upon the solution of a van. Now many of you will have seen our van, it's no ordinary transit! It is in fact a Fiat Ducato base with a Timberland motorhome conversion & is ideal for what we need, now that I have joined the team full time, it means that I can sit in the van during the summer (with my sewing), make the drivers a cuppa & butty for their breaks & keep all the gear & cleaning stuff on hand. It works out great & I love it when strangers come up to chat & then become regular friends. I like to think I am still doing my bit for tourism too as I get asked lots of questions by visitors, always doing my best to help or make suggestions. I did love my previous job in the Isle of Man Aircraft Registry, but I have found that sitting in the sunshine on Douglas prom for most of the summer can't be beaten!
Well you'd think 2 Trikes would have been enough for anyone wouldn't you? But after getting no 2, we found more & more people wanting to book both Trikes so they could share the fun with family & friends. This was again leaving us short of back up in the event of any problems. So no 3 was ordered! Have to say, that's it, no more Trikes. Yes, in TT we could run dozens, but the demand is not there the rest of the year & these machines are very expensive to have sitting around gathering dust. So the last of the Black Beauties was added to the fleet in October 2013 another Rewaco RF1-ST3, but this time with a Ford 1600cc Ecotech engine.
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