New Website
Well hello, here it is, our new website! And doesn't it look mighty fine? What do you think?
We had great fun working with the guys at Dot Performance, especially Raluca & Rachel, their patience with us ludities is to be applauded! Thanks guys.
You may have noticed on Facebook that I do enjoy a waffle, so the web designers suggested that we add a blog to the site so that I can waffle away to my heart's content, or at least until you tell me to shut up and go away! So here I am. Part of setting up a new blog is to apparently add historic items of interest, therefore I hope you enjoy reading about some of our previous escapades over the last couple of years and that I don't bore you too much. Feedback will always be welcomed.
With Christmas round the corner I have been frantically trying to finish various sewing projects, but it's not looking good, I'll think it'll be a trip to the shops & the projects will be put away again in the hope of finishing them for next year! Then there are the lists! If you're anything like me, you'll have lists, lists of lists & ...... loose the lot & have to start again! It's all good fun. As a family we are cutting right back this year, having agreed that small handmade items, jams, cakes, cookies are much more sensible, it all gets a bit expensive & a bit out of hand, though the boys & Andy will still get lots of treats. Can't tell you what yet, put I'm hoping Andy will find one of his gifts useful on his tours!
Andy has been spending a lot of time in the garage & shed over the last few weeks. No, he's not in the dog house, he's just trying to ensure that all the Trikes are in good order for their runs over the wetter, colder months. It may seem odd, but it's surprising how many tours we still do over the winter. Visitors still come to the island to visit friends & family. Whilst we all love to have people staying with us, it is nice to give yourself some peace & quiet for an hour or two, so what better way than to send them on one of our tours. Well wrapped up, they'll still love it & think you are wonderful for treating them too!
So where does the business go from here? Afterall, in any business, you have to stay ahead of the game, ahead of your competitors & most importantly listen to your customers. That's what we have done, we have listened & based on comments made, we have another 2 vehicles waiting to have the go ahead from the Road Traffic Licencing Committee at the end of November 2014. Once permissions are granted (fingers crossed), then its full steam ahead to get the vehicle testing done. We are hoping that our next blog will be to update you on the press launch. We have been testing them on the islands roads, but we've been keeping low key & not wearing our Trike gear in the hope we are not recognised & we can give you all a Christmas surprise!
Don't forget we do Gift Vouchers, they make an ideal Christmas present!
Wendy & the Team.
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